Saturday 1 December 2012

Inspired by Manish Arora

After looking through lots of images of the Catwalk shows of Manish Arora's work I was inspired to get messy with my make up kit and produce some colourful work. I was keen to not get too caught up in producing technically perfect and visually neat work but instead to be really creative and produce a number of different looks. The reason I chose to do this was because I have seen so much colour in my research but have become aware I haven't used a lot in my experimental make up work so far. The other reason I chose to not be too neat was because throughout my research stages I came across beautiful images from tribes and not once did I see and face of make up that was perfectly applied, yet I was so inspired by them. I believe there is plenty of time to perfect my ideas and currently I just want to give myself opportunity to try different things so that I will have a much smoother task of designing my final looks.

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