Saturday 1 December 2012

Alex Box and Rankin

I have been aware of Alex Box as a make up artist for many years and as I was taking a look through some images of the Surma and Mursi tribes and I suddenly remembered some work I had seen that she had previously done with the photographer Rankin. The images of the work above show how she has taken the face as a blank canvas to create some really visually exciting work. In some ways I can see similarities between this work by Alex Box and the tribal make up. Both show a very free and expressive way of working and both show colour and texture. This free way of applying make up is something that I want to achieve when producing my catwalk shoot because although I am producing work for a fashion purpose I don't want to loose the essence of my inspiration, the Surma and Mursi tribes. Within this post I have also included images of face charts that I produced using my Supra Colour Pallet. It was really quick but free and expressive. I wasn't worried about making every line perfectly neat but instead applying bursts of colour to the face. I'm really pleased with them though.

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