Thursday 17 January 2013

Final Design Catwalk

All the way along I have known that to create a good make up design for a catwalk show it needs to stand out from a distance. Keeping this in mind and taking into consideration all that I have researched and learnt along the way I knew I could achieve this by incorporating 3 main elements. These are colour, texture and pattern. My final design has all 3 of these things and therefore I am confident that my look will meet the requirements of a catwalk image. I have chosen a colour theme of earthy reds and oranges. The reason for this is that my model has a warm skin tone and this will work together well. The other reasons for this choice is that this colour scheme is one i have seen again and again when researching for this project and these warm and earthy colours really compliment the natural origins of my inspiration. On the forehead of my model I intend to use fullers earth to create some texture. I believe that my experimentation with texture on the skin, as seen earlier in my blog, was one of the strongest and most effective and for this reason I really felt that it should be featured in my design. The final element, pattern, is the use of gold rings painted onto the skin running down the cheek and neck and spilling onto the shoulder. My first idea for this came from a picture I saw of a member in the Mursi tribe. I attempted an similar design early on in one of my experimental sessions and this design is a development of that. I used gold for this as I didn't want it to look too earthy as we have to keep the fashion element there. I believe this use of gold is subtle but very much needed. 

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