Friday 18 January 2013

Images and Evaluation- Editorial Shoot

In all shoots its possible to come across things that went well and things that were a struggle. In my editorial shoot things were no different. I was really pleased with the final images, I think they worked so well because I had a good relationship with my model which meant I was able to fit in a practice make-up session before hand. Along with this the tattooing on the face was more effective than I could have imagined it would look, however where this flowed down the neck I had some problems using Supra colour. The supra colour was too wet and every time my model moved her neck it would smudge. I over came this problem with the use of accessories. I also think the balance between the block colour and the tattooing worked well as to not detract from the tattooing but gave more elements to the design. Whilst on the shoot I added a black fur jacket into the styling this is something I hadn't previously thought about doing however the images with it in are much stronger. Final difficulties came when producing my hair design I struggled to achieved the look i wanted, however, I was pleased with the final results.

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