Tuesday 9 October 2012

Experimental make up

Having been inspired by both comments left on my blog and the images I have been researching I decided to have a go at a more liberal way of applying products to the face. I wanted to investigate using both conventional and unconventional products on the face, however, I wanted to apply them in a way I had never done before. In this experiment I used a white face cream and a very thick mix of hot chocolate powder and water. Taking photographs throughout I have recorded the process. I really enjoyed being able to not worry about the application of the products as I was not after a polished face of make up but instead a rough and free edge to the work and to get a feel for the tribal make up I have spent so much time looking at. After covering my face I used cotton buds to remove sections of the make up to create patterns in the skin. Again I wasn't concerned about these being at all symmetrical I just wanted to see what I could create in a short space of time and the results have been really good in helping me to get an understanding of how different it is to use products like this over the normal everyday professional products I am used to using. If I wanted to develop this and create something more detailed I would not use the same products but perhaps try a thicker product that would lend itself better to this for example a face mask. However having spent my time drawing into the paste, my favourite images actually came from removing the product. I found it interesting that I was creating shapes and patterns that I would never be able to achieve if I was trying to and will never create again as it was unique and original.

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