Saturday 6 October 2012

The Brief

Wild Kingdom, a tribal inspired brief based around the topic of physical transformation. Seems easy at first glance after all applying make up is all about changing the appearance of someone however I have never looked deeply into the meaning of tribal make up. Its something that I see images of and appreciate as an unrefined yet beautiful piece of art but for the people in these tribes that is never what it was meant to be. I think there is a lot we can learn from this method of application, don't be too concerned with how it looks at first glance, get your ideas out there, while they are in your head, record them now and refine later. For this project brief this is the approach I want to take. I am briefed with designing two looks the first suitable for a catwalk, the second for an editorial shoot so I will have to produce beautifully executed work to do well however as I have never researched into the world of tribal before I want to make sure that I get a proper feel for it and not just skim the surface with a polished face of make up every time as this is something you wouldn't see in the real world. This project is all about taking something rough and translating it into a high fashion look. The brief excites me, I like working with colour and pattern and this project gives me the scope to do this. Additionally I like to learn new things get my teeth stuck in and sometimes I almost feel it is better to have never know anything about the subject your looking at as it gives you a blank canvas no pre conceived ideas. So I'm going to get started, trawl the internet, books, magazines and anything else that will start to give me an understanding of this subject.

1 comment:

  1. I like your introduction. If I were new to this brief, I would want to do it too after reading this.

    Where are your test shoot images from class this week?
