Tuesday 23 October 2012

My theme

After undertaking lots of research and looking at hundreds of images of tribes I have decided to settle on African tribes taking the majority of my inspiration from the Surma and Mursi tribes. My reasons behind this are simple, although I have been repeatedly amazed by the variation of tribal make up and decoration I have seen I can't help but look at the images of the Surma and Mursi tribes again and again. The colours and patterns have excited me and inspired me. As well as this I had to think carefully about how the make up would work with my brief of creating two different images for two different looks, one for catwalk the other editorial. This means different qualities are needed for each image. In catwalk the make up look needs to be one that can stand out from a distance but be created in a fairly short amount of time. For editorial the look can be more detailed and intricate, the colours and patterns seen in the Surma and Mursi tribes give me scope for both of these.

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