Thursday 25 October 2012

Using texture on the skin

Today in our technical make up session we experimented with using texture on the skin. This falls somewhere between the tattooing and scarification I have already looked at. Using a face mask I drew texture on to the skin. Face masks are good to use because the colours and textures can vary. I was really happy with the final result however it was interesting to photograph throughout because the texture and colour slowly changed as it dried. This experiment has related well to previous images I have researched but also ties in well with the 'mark of the crocodile'. This is seen in the Sepik tribes and is a form of scarification that leaves the skin looking like that of a crocodile. It is done to the males of the tribe as a way of recognising there transformation from childhood to manhood. I have included images of the mark of the crocodile as well as images of today's task.

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