Friday 30 November 2012

"The Better Triumph" Zink Magazine Shoot

Zink Magazine shoot "The Better Triumph". Photographer- Denise Boomkens, Styling- Martine Reurings, Makeup/Hair- Yvonne Nusdorfer. Images from

The images that I have taken from the Zink website to produce this post are absolutely beautiful. The bright range of colours and textures clash but seem to blend together in the shoot to produce lovely yet striking images that really ooze tribal in such a decadent way. Tribal and decedant are two words that you wouldn't often seem to see in the same sentence but that is why I believe these images have such a strong impact on the viewer because they bring these words together. Everything has been well thought out from accessories to hair and pulls the images together not only as stand alone image but also as a collection of images. Something that I picked up on, aside from the really strong use of colour, was the way that, although well applied, not every line is perfectly drawn or placed. I, however, can see that this is a strong reference to the very free and liberally applied make up we see in most tribes and most definable in the tribes I have chosen to focus upon more clearly, the Surma and Mursi tribes.

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